Friday, March 9, 2012

android tablets iPad smartq ten3

Tomorrow’s smartq ten3 the day, tech newshounds: The Hyperbole Hyper Bowl, the Smug Showdown, the Reality Distortion Field Reboot. I speak, of course, icoo d70w Ainol Novo 7 Elf about Apple’s iPad 3 announcement. While I wouldn’t expect our regular readers to take much notice of the pomp and circumstance, it’s an undeniable fact that Apple’s announcements make ly f8s teclast p85 waves in the mobile world, and nowhere is that more true than in the tablet market. While Android kicks the glossy finish off of the iPhone in every market, the iPad still dominates the tablet industry.

This being the case, Android manufacturers and perhaps more importantly potential customers will be well aware of Apple’s shiny new toys, afterwards if not during the event. For better or worse, the iPad is the standard for tablets, at least for now. And while pretty much every single Android tablet sold at or above the $400 mark can make mincemeat of the iPad 2, that may not be the case for the iPad 3, iPad HD, iPad 2S, or iPad Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. If all the hundreds and hundreds of rumors are true,ly f2 smartq ten3 the hyperbole for the updated device may actually be justified – and even if it’s not, it’ll sell tens of millions of devices.

So here’s a breakdown of the rumored features of the new device, and how they compare to current high-end Android tablets. Since it looks like a cheaper iPad isn’t in the cards, we’re considering the iPad 3 a competitor to the likes of Samsung’s Galaxy Tabs, Asus’ Transformers and the like, not the Kindle Fires and Nook Tablets of the world.

High-res screen - one of the most persistent rumors, and one that’s almost certainly true, is that the next iPad will come with a 2048×1536 “retina” screen. That’s nice – especially since Apple’s been using rather low-res screens for the last two years, that have been put to shame even by Android smartphones as of late. This one probably won’t affect much in the short term, since nearly all high-end Android tablets use at least a 720p display. Some, like the Transformer Pad Infinity 700 and upcoming models from Acer and Lenovo, will be reaching even higher to 1920×1200. But Android manufacturers usually feel the need to one-up Apple, so expect more 1920 screens in the fall or winter, along with possible 2560×1600 screens preserving Android’s de facto 16:10 tablet ratio standard.

Improved processor – Android’s already got this one covered, with downright amazing performance coming out of the 4-plus-1 Tegra 3 chip from Nvidia and the S4 Snapdragon CPUs from Qualcomm. Even better stuff is on the horizon, gooapple v5 android phone gooapple phone like the quad-core Snapdragon “Krait” architecture due later this year and TI’s OMAP 5 platform. A more interesting comparison is graphics performance. Iv’e got to admit, on anything but Nvidia’s SoC’s, the iPad 2 already smokes most Android tablets and phones for 3D performance. This may be more of a problem for developers than manufacturers, but devs want to make awesome games just as much cube u9gt2 as we want to buy them. Unfortunately, this will probably continue to be the case for some time.

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