Saturday, August 14, 2010

Apple’s new creation

If you do not have Osama iped bin Laden in a cave to live in the past 6 months, you know, Apple’s new creation, When Apple announced the IPAD worship of Apple stores around the world flock to the start line of the hands of history Tief Jobs, wedding dress online the latest Enlightenment. This is not the new Steve Jobs as he opened a niche product and dizziness aesthetic and love. Steve Jobs, who has surpassed the height of front of the bride dress computer vision can not imagine. Apple’s iPod, iPhone and ipad company is no longer exposed to the company not only computing devices, they have become part of our contemporary culture.


According to Apple has sold almost all other industry experts flicker rate ipad launched the second generation,bridal gowns, more than 300 million ipad Company Inc., said the trend is likely to continue. 3 million U.S. dollars, a growing number of consumer groups is a very good opportunity for developers to enter.

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/ iPod Touch iPhone development you are lucky, ipad company within the framework of the same company, the same operating system, development tools and the same the same application framework. Therefore, lightening the burden of life, but there are some small differences is that people need time to consider the IPAD developed.

On the screen wedding dress



is UIPopoverController use

– (empty) presentPopoverFromRect: (CGRect) rectangular inView: (UIView *) view permittedArrowDirections: (UIPopoverArrowDirection) arrowDirections Animation: (bool) animation;

allows you from a particular view of rectangle 1 popover. Another simple method can be used to draw UIPopover


– (empty) presentPopoverFromRect: (CGRect) rectangular inView: (UIView *) view permittedArrowDirections: (UIPopoverArrowDirection) arrowDirections Animation: (bool) animation;


to you from a

to close its call


– (empty) dismissPopoverAnimated: (bool) animation;


the delegate method


split view controller

UISplitViewController is a full-screen view element,bridal dress, which itself is a UIViewController subclass. It has a committee to notify the incident. Express their views on how to have different views,iphone headset adapter, and two self-defined party. They are used to navigate the interface and a good supplement with other types of master and slave interfaces.

you typically create the pen,screen guard iphone 3g, but they can also create planning


UISplitViewController * SVC’s = [[UISplitViewController of the alloc] initialize];

commission a couple of ways you can look in the header file, or UISplitViewController.h get a better understanding of China’s official documents. dvi hdmi adapter




of: Asad Khan



first and most important point is that developers should consider the direction of the screen all the support. This behavior is slightly different iPhone in the vertical and horizontal mode of operation, no.

the new user interface

ipad Company Company changed the user interact with the application. ipad company The company has more screen real estate and navigation information to lend their own behavior. On the other hand,russian jersey, iPhone applications are often Navbar style applications more you dig the level of the level of access to information. For the iPhone and iPod Touch screen size of the application, because it is very limited. Management information density and large-screen presentation, introduced in the Popover amperometric controller SDK, two new concepts, ideas split controllers.


Popover controller

UIPopoverController not UIViewController, but the views of the contents of the master controller, the contents of the controller has a view that the management and control of the content of their comments is viewWillAppear: viewDidAppear and other representatives of the appeal. UIPopoverController is usually controlled by some other object, it can be another view controller or application life cycle management mode.


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– (ID) initWithContentViewController: (UIViewController * of the ViewController);


the control point of view as UIPopoverController view the contents of the controller.




direction support




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