Tuesday, August 31, 2010

USB and PIC Microprocessors 16C745 and 18F2455

USB and PIC Microprocessors 16C745 and 18F2455 – f

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- the header file usb.c
- the code file You can either download the complete Windows DDK (which used to be
available free from the Microsoft Website at
or download just the few files actually needed for the sample code.
These are from the Microsoft DDK which used to be freely available.
kb) HIDPI.H(47
kb) HIDSDI.H(6
kb) SetupAPI.H(138
kb) SetupAPI.LIB(340
kb) One person who found my code useful optimized my example code which
removes some of the dependencies on the Windows DDK.  See Ross
Bencina’s P5
Glove Project for details.

A visitor to my site,532nm laser, Jim
Koornneef, has provided a C++
class wrapper for my code that you
can download from usb.h and usb.cpp. 
This class encapsulates the
functionality in my code but also provides read/write methods and
automatic connect/disconnect functionality.


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To top.

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More information on these
Windows API calls are available on the Microsoft web site. I used to
have links directly to the appropriate page on the Microsoft MSDN
website but Microsoft, in their wisdom, rearrange their website every 6
months or so,cac card reader, breaking all the links.  Compiling code to use
these function calls requires that you install the Windows DDK (Device
Development Kit) which used to be freely available from the Microsoft
website (see below
obtaining copies
of the required dlls and header

To top.

page describes a project a colleague
and I completed between September, 2000 and March,
2001 as part of the Engineering Physics degree program at the
University of British Columbia.   In summary this
project involved building a USB device using the PIC 16C745
microprocessor from
Microchip.  The USB device consisted of a microphone, the
microprocessor and other hardware and the
device sent audio data to the host computer.

The specifications for
USB are
available at www.usb.org
Be warned that while this information is very thorough, it is not very
practical for developing a device or software.  Technical
documents are available at www.usb.org

Links The
book USB
by Example by John Hyde. The
companion web sites are at www.usb-by-example.com and
have lots of examples. The
book USB
Complete by Jan Axelson. This
book covers similar material as above but has more on the HID class.
The companion web
site has lots of example code
and further references.

The code samples are:

Information on the HID
can be found at 
You can see examples of HID descriptors starting on page 89 of the HID
1.1 spec from usb.org.

A very useful tool for designing HID class devices is the HID
Descriptor Tool also available
from usb.org. This tool allows you to put together the HID description
and run it through the HID parser.

Some other useful tools are available from Intel University Press.
They include ‘USB Single Step’, ‘USBView’, ‘HIDView’ and the HID
Descriptor Tool described above.

If you are using Visual C++, then the ‘hview’ sample program that comes
with the Windows DDK is good for examining the HID descriptor and
values. Unfortunately the program is more complicated than it needs to
be and is not a good example of using the USB functions.

These file are known to
under Visual C++ 5.0 on Windows 2000 with the Windows DDK installed.
Make sure that the path to the file ’setupapi.h’ is in your header file
path (Project->Settings). You will also need to add
’setupapi.lib’ and ‘hid.lib’ to list of libraries and ensure the path
to these files is added to the library path for your project.

To top.

To top.

Try to understand how the
usb_main.asm file works. A couple of gotchas that you should watch out
for are:

Host Code

Here is a quick overview
what is involved in USB.

HidD_GetHidGuid (GUID
(GUID hidGUID, PSTR *filterString, hwndParent, DWORD flags) BOOL
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces (infoset,quad band mobile phone, infoData, interfaceClassGuid,
index,bold 9000 cover, deviceInterfaceData) BOOL
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail (infoSet, deviceInterfaceData,
interfaceDetail, interfaceDetailSize, requiredSize, infoData) HANDLE CreateFile
access, sharemode, security,r4i revolution, creation, flags, template) BOOL
(deviceHandle, &deviceAttributes))

The analog signal from
microphone was amplified using an op-amp and then digitized using the
16C745’s analog-to-digital feature.  If you are reproducing
this project, I would recommend putting in a filter to remove the
frequencies higher than the microprocessor’s sampling rate. 
The digital data was buffered in the microprocessor and then set to the
host computer over the USB connection.  Since ‘interrupt’
method of transfer only allows 8 bytes of data transfered every 10ms,
this limited the amount of data that could be transfered.

18F series (new)

USB (Universal Serial
Bus) is a
protocol that allows two way communication between peripheral devices
and a host computer.  It is hot pluggable, allowing the device
to be connected and/or removed while the computer is running.  There are lots of other features of USB.

To top.

This page contains notes,
and code extracts from this project
relating to USB, USB Human Interface Devices, the 16C745
microprocessor, and specifics of this project.  Hopefully this
information will be helpful to your project.

This section describes
hardware specific to my project.  Please note that the focus
of this page is on the USB aspects of the project.  My
understanding is that the analog circuity for the microphone is not
well designed.

I used the PIC 16C745
from Microchip
as the USB interface microcontroller. This chip belongs to a two chip
family (along with the 16C765) called the 16c7xx.

The 16C745 is a 28 pin microprocessor operating at 24 Mhz. It has 8K of
program memory, 256 bytes of RAM and 5 x 8bit analog inputs (the 16C765
has 40 pins and 8 analog inputs). The specifications are available from
Microchip. The reference manual for the mid-range microprocessors is
also useful.

Download the development environment from Microchip called MPLAB
(freely available from Microchip’s web site). Another necessary
component is the USB firmware. The support files that I used seem to no
longer exist on the Microchip web site being replaced by a more
sophisticated USB example. The firmware includes the following pieces:

Basic Code
though Visual Basic does not allow direct access to the API calls, you
can convert the API calls into visual basic functions. A good source of
examples is at the web site for the book USB by Example.
The files
HIDinterface.bas and OSinterface.bas available from the book’s web site
demonstrate using the API calls in Visual Basic.

Table of Contents Results – the project worked! (sortof)
USB Spec – discussion of USB and the hardware and software components
USB HID – USB Human Interface Devices
16C745 – using the PIC 16C745 microprocessor with USB
Host Computer – Visual C++ code for accessing USB devices
Example Code – C/C++ code for accessing USB devices
Hardware – Wiring diagrams for USB and 16C745
Links & Resources Result

The left side of the
circuit is
copied from
and the right side amplifies the signal 500 times (1 + R4/R3) using the
op amp.

See the example code below
for details on using these methods.

Computer Code

Further update (06/09/27): Tito wrote me to suggest improvements to the amplifer. He made the following suggestion, “I noticed that your audio amplifier is not well polarized. I think it has big distortions because it only amplifies the positive part of the signal. I recommend using a negative amplifier configuration for the OPAMP. You just need to add a voltage divisor and a filter to polarize the OPAMP inputs.”


and Human Interface
Devices (HID)

We achieved our goal and
a working device.  This involved building the device hardware
(microprocessor, microphone,spy pen, and supporting electronics) and software
(microprocessor code and host computer code).  Unfortunately,
the relatively low sampling rate by the microprocessor in the
analog-to-digital conversion process mangled the audio signal to make
it indecipherable at the host computer, but loud/soft transitions were
easily detected.

The HID class is supposed
include devices such as a mouse, joystick, keyboard, etc. Because the
host computer knows what the data means a device driver is not
necessary for HID devices, the operating system can supply a generic
HID driver. For instance, if you plug in a USB Mouse, it will
immediately work because the OS knows how to interpret information
received from a mouse.

Once a have is connect,
want to send and receive data from your applications. This document
describes how you can do with using C in Visual C++. It is also
possible to do this in Visual Basic (see below)

The following examples assume you are using Windows 2000. It should
also work on Windows 98 but I’m not sure what the differences might be.
Windows 95 did not fully support USB.  Linux also supports USB

The following circuit
the PIC to the usb cable. It is designed to be powered off the USB
cable. The 6 MHz clock controls the internal oscillator.

The ‘reset’ switch, causes a reset condition which should cause most of
the special registers to clear and the program to start again.

The value of R1 is not critical since it is only used as a pull-up for
the MCLR (master clear) pin. The R2 resister is required by the USB
specification and should be 1.5 kOhms. The capacitor C3, is not
critical and simply stabilizes the Vusb pin voltage. The values of the
capacitors, C1 and C2 can be in a range specified in the 16C745
specification (15pf – 69 pf) and may depend on the crystal that you use.

Check that USB power and ground connections are correct before
connecting the chip. It is easy to get turn around between the cable
pinout and the socket pin out.

To top.


I have put together some
library code which uses the above api’s to connect to available HID USB
devices.  The code returns a file handle to the USB device
which allows a program to read and write data with the device just like
with a regular file handle.  Note that this code is not a
fully working program – it requires, at the minimum, a main function.

OP1 – a TLE2141 Op
Amp. This
comes in an 8 pin package with GND at pin 4, Power at pin 7, IN- at pin
2, IN+ at pin 3, and output at pin 6. R1 – 1 kOhm resister R2 – 3.2 kOhm resister R3 – 1 kOhm resister R4 – 500 kOhm resister C1 – 0.005 uF capacitor MIC1 – a electret

The following circuit is
to power the electret microphone and then amplify the signal. The
output signal is connected to one of the analog pins of the 16C745,dstti, we
used pin 2, corresponding to AN0 (analog pin 0).

The components are

The Hardware: A USB cable has
wires: power, ground, D+ and D-. The signal wires usually operate in
differential mode (one is high while the other is low). There are two
types of
devices: high speed and low speed. There are differences in the type,blackberry phone cover,
length and connectors that can be used with the two types. Generally the
requirements are stricter for high speed devices. A high speed device
can transfer data at a maximum of 12 Mbs while low speed is limited to
1.5 Mbs.  The PIC 16C745 can only operate at low speed
standard. The connector at
computer (A End) is a flattened rectangle while at the device (B end)
the connector is square with two cut-off corners (necessary to be
compliant with the high-speed standard but optional for low speed
devices). Each USB device is
draw 100mA from the cable which allows a device to be bus powered. A
device can negoiate up to 500mA once connected to the USB cable but
this power may not be available.  If the power is unavailable
the device must stay in a low power setting. Obviously devices can be
powered externally as well. The Software: When a device is
connected, the computer (or a hub) detects the device by a pullup
resister (see circuit). A pullup resister on the D- wire signals a low
speed device, while a high speed device has a pullup on the D+ wire.
When detected a series of enumeration steps are started. The enumeration
assigns an identifier number to the device (there can be a maximum of
127 devices on a network) and also tells the host computer what sort of
capabilities a device has (input, ouput, etc). The device also informs
the computer of its name (Vendor, Product, Version and Serial Number). If the device
itself as a HID (Human Interface Device) then the device describes how
the data should be interpreted. See the section on HID.

The ‘Chapter 9′
protocol support. The name comes from the set the messages being
described in Chapter 9 of the USB specification. This is a file called usb_ch9.asm. The HID interface
This file handles requests for information relating to the HID
specification. This is a file called hidclass.asm. The device descriptor.
file contains the data that will be sent to the host during the
enumerator process. Most of the values are fully specified by the USB
spec but the vendor id,ear headphone, product id and version number all specified
here. Importantly, the HID descriptor is stored in this file. This file
is called descriptors.asm
(also known as usb_mouse.asm).
The version you download identifies the device as a mouse to the host. The
demo program. This
program sets up the interrupts and initializes the USB code. It also
runs through a loop that causes the cursor to move in a box shape on
the screen. This program demonstrates how you use the USB specific
functions to communicate with the host. This file is called main.asm
(also known as usb_main.asm). There is also a
definitions include file called usb_defs.inc. The entire project has
an MPLAB project file (usbmic.pjt)
It has been a long time since I’ve worked on this project so I do not
know if these files are complete or if they can be compiled directly.

Update: a visitor to the site made the following suggestion to improve
the circuit to allow the Op Amp to amplify the negative portion of the
signal. ‘Romano’ said, “You should (if you want, of course),contract mobile phone, put a
resistor between (+) of op-amp and Vcc, call it R2a, 6.8kohm will be
good. R2 should be 6.8k again,to rca cable, so without mic signal you will have
Vcc/2 at (+). Finally disconnect R3 from GND and put a capacitor (1uf
or more) between R3 and GND. Without signal you will get Vcc/2 at the
input of A/D.”

From AlanMacek.com

Human Interface Devices
are a class of USB devices that give structure to the data that will
transfered between the device and the host computer. During the
enumeration process,iphone 3gs fm, the device describes the information that it can
receive and send.  This allows a host computer to handle the
data being received from the USB device without requiring a specially
designed device driver.


  • http://garduweb.com/chinaelectronics/2010/08/30/synology-inc-new-nas-experience-products-us-2/
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