Thursday, August 26, 2010

How-to Installing Ubuntu Linux on a usb pendrive

How-to Installing Ubuntu Linux on a usb pendrive

Now that you have all this,spy dvr pen, it is time to prepare you USB bar do host the Ubuntu liveCD files.


n to create a new partition
p to make it primary
1 so it is the first primary partition
Accept the default or type 1 to start from the first cylinder
+750M to make it 750 Meg big
a to toggle the partition active for boot
1 to choose the 1 partition
t to change the partition type
6 to set it to FAT16

At fdisk prompt type d x where x is the partition number (you can simply type d if you only have one partition), then:

Partitions are now created,bridesmaid wedding dresses, let’s format them.

a ubuntu liveCD
a usb bar of at least 1G
a running Linux operating system

2.2. Making the partitions

$ sudo mkfs.ext2 -b 4096 -L casper-rw /dev/sdb2

We are going delete all the partition and then create 2 new partition: one fat partition of 750M which will host the files from the live CD iso,phone jammer, and the rest on another partition.

and then launch fdisk,designer dresses, a tool to edit partition under linux:

2.3. Formatting the partitions

Being able to run Linux out of a usb bar is a great way to enjoy the live CD experience (being able to use Linux on any computer you might get by) and the big advantage of being easier to carry around than a CD.


This tutorial will show how-to install Ubuntu on a usb stick. Even though this tutorial uses Ubuntu as its base distribution,spy gadget, you could virtually use any type of Linux liveCD distribution.

The first partition is going to be formated as a FAT filesystem of size 16 and we are going to attribute it the label “liveusb”.

2. Setting up the USB disk
2.1. Finding the device

In the first place,wedding dress pictures, you need to plug your usb drive and check under which device it is associated. To find out the device,ladies led watch, run:

$sudo umount /dev/sdb1

Using the wrong device name might destroy your system partition, please double check

1. Requirements

$ sudo mkfs.vfat -F 16 -n liveusb /dev/sdb1

sudo fdisk /dev/sdb

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Now we have out first partition set up,quad band phone, let’s create the second one:

Make sure every of your already mounted partition are unmounted:

$ sudo fdisk -l

On my system,mini dv camcorder, the device appears as being /dev/sdb, I will therefore use /dev/sdb as a reference for this tutorial, please replace it accordingly to your system (might be sda, sdc …).
Once you found your device, you are going to create the partitions.

At this stage, our usb pendrive is ready to host the liveCD image. Now,mobile phone watch, let’s copy the files to the usb bar.

The second partition is going to be of type ext2 with a blocksize of 4096 bytes and the label casper-rw. Mind that it has to be labeled as casper-rw otherwise the tutorial won’t work!.

n to create yet again a new partition
p to make it primary
2 to be the second partition
Accept the default by typing Enter
Accept the default to make your partition as big as possible
Finally,usb sd reader, type w to write the change to your usb pendrive

In order to reproduce this tutorial,wedding dress shops, you will need a few items such as:

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