Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Your iPod: Silversun Pickups Carnavas

[Hey everybody! Sarabeth here with a new feature that, quite frankly, I'm stoked about. Each week I'll be bringing you an album that I feel is particularly awesome in the hopes of building iTunes libraries everywhere! It could be sim cutter something new, old, hugely popular or fairly unknown, so keep checking back for our suggestions to awesome-ify your music collection.] This semester is FINALLY starting to wrap up. Exciting? Yes, I can’t wait to finish this round of classes. peel 520 buy Stressful? Hell yeah, mofo. The end of the semester means that every. single. thing. I’ve connection kit been working on is going to be due at the same time. And on top of that, I have to start studying for finals. Barf. For those of you in the same situation, you need some peel 520 music to get you through. So where do I turn to in my moment (or 3 weeks) of need? My trusted pick-me-up album, Carnavas, of course. About the Band Silversun Pickups is an indie/alternative band from LA that led watch has been around since 2002. It is made up of lead vocalist and guitarist Brian Aubert, vocalist led watches and bassist Nikki Monninger, drummer Christopher Guanlao and keyboardist Joe Lester. If they sound familiar it’s probably because they’ve been featured in video games like Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground, Rock Band 1&2, and Guitar Hero World Tour. Yeah, these guys are major. Top 3 Tracks: Lazy Eye Well Thought Out Twinkles apple peel 520 Common Reactor Why You Should Listen to It This is a great album for pulling all-nighters. Or all-dayers. And definitely all weekenders. The songs have an upbeat feel to them to provide just the motivation you need to keep pushing through that seemingly insurmountable pile ipod peel of homework and projects, but they are also pretty low key so they don’t distract you. The album is also pretty darn great for dancing in the kitchen while you cook dinner, spoon-microphone in hand, but I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who does that…

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